Thursday, January 31, 2013

Harvest Moon: A New Beginning for the 3DS

Harvest Moon: A New Beginning is the lastest of it's series from Nintendo for only the 3DS. Released on 11/06/12 for both the cartridge and the 3DS eShop. Made by Natsume, this Harvest Moon game went back to the basics and took bits and pieces from all there past games and put them together.

FUN: Even though Harvest Moon games are usually never ending and routine, this one, by far, is one of the best in the series. It takes the building aspect of the "Island" games, the design of the Wii games, and the humor in dialoge of "Harvest Moon 64" and "Harvest Moon DS". The main concept of the game is the building and the use of blueprints. Since you are the one who builds everything, you have the ability to place every building where you want it and if you have to move a building to make more room, you can just pick it up and carry it to a new place. A few downsides of the game are the fact that there are too many festivals too close together, so there are weeks where stores are closed for many days in a row. Another downside is that the single men and women in the game aren't really that great. Even though Neil (A Single Man) and Iroha (A Single Woman) are very easy to win over, Neil has a grumpy mood until you get him to a blue or green heart (Woman only). Iroha is usually series, but she is also cheerful on sunny days and festivals. Also, you can only have one Chicken Coop and Barn in each area of your farm (Total farm areas - 3). FUN - 1.5.

REPLAY: Let's face it... Harvest Moon games are never ending. The only way to be able to have any replay value is to choose a different person to marry and choose a different gender to play as. REPLAY - 0.5.

STORY: Like "Harvest Moon 64", you take over your family's farm. While there, you find out that the town is becoming a Ghost Town. It's up to you to rebuild the town to it's old self and beyond. STORY - 1.

DIFFERENCE/ORIGINAL: There's really not much original content that wasn't used already in other Harvest Moon games. The only thing I can think of is the ability to place and move buildings at will. DIFFERENCE/ORIGINAL - 0.5.

DIFFICULTY: It's a farming Sim. game... What is hard about that? DIFFICULTY - 1.5.

TOTAL - 5.

There you have it, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning. Just remember that I rate using only facts, not opinions. If you don't like the score, don't blame me. Thanks for reading my blog. Until next time, this was the Nintendo Rater.

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